Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Dumas Substation Operational

August 14, 2007

Yesterday, the town of Dumas brought online the new Entergy substation that was destroyed in Feb., 2007.  The ribbon cutting ceremony was modest and Ashley Substation employees watched from a distance as Entergy and town officials energized the substation.  ASI completed construction of the facility on schedule and will continue to offer relay support to Entergy personal in support of the project. 

Related Information:

  KTHV coverage

  KATV coverage

Giving to Community

July 6, 2007

Once again Ashley Substation, Inc. along with Sonic Drive-In of Sheridan sponsored the Forth of July Festival in Poyen, Arkansas.  ASI’s own John Ashley performed with The Rocket Band as they headlined the day of music and family fun.  The event was held on July 5 this year due to town scheduling conflicts,  However, the crowd turned out in large numbers.  Estimates put the crowd at around 2500, outperforming last years estimate of 2000.  The fireworks show was disrupted by a sudden heavy bout of rain.  Fireworks director Dennis Channel continued the show in spite of the rain and made it a memmorable experience for all as everyone huddle under tarps and pavilions to watch the fireworks display. 

Ashley Substation, Inc. intends to sponsor next years event as well as other worthy causes throughout the year.  Everyone at ASI is thankful for the opportunity to serve the communities of Arkansas and are dedicated to making the state a better place through community service & other charities.

PowerSafe Training

July 2, 2007

This month Ashley Substation, Inc. employees will begin to renew their commitment to safety by taking the refresher course for Entergy transmission contractors.  Between now and December, 2007 all employees will complete the course.  New technology has made taking the course more efficient, many ASI crew will take the refresher while on the jobsite.  In addition to powersafe training, ASI staff will brush up on first-aid, blood pathogens, and CPR training. 

Ashley Substation, Inc. realizes the importance of safety in the high voltage electrical workplace and continues working with clients toward the goal of “target zero accidents”.  Clients are invited and encouraged to attend monthly safety meetings, usually held on the jobsite, and participate in the new culture of safety now happening in the business of electrical transmission.

Use the contact link on this page if you would like to know when and where the next ASI saftey meeting will take place. 

Safety In Bid Evaluations

June 30, 2007

This memo was sent by Tony Adams to all Entergy contractors concerning safety in the bid evaluation process.


I liked to start off by thanking you all for the work you are doing with us. A situation has come up that I thought would be to your advantage to know about. The Bid Evaulation process has a Safety form that is part of the decision of what contractor wins the bid. Your statistics, and employee qualifications are reflected in part of this form. A part of this form that usually goes unnoticed is the Project Safety Plan for the project being bid on. I realize that some of you think if you are not awarded the contract, your time spent on the Safety Plan may seem like a waste of time. I can assure you this is not true. The Safety department awards points on the form for the contractor who has made the effort to take the time to write up a Project Safety Plan for the project being bid on. This effort may mean the difference between your company losing or being awarded the contract. I have seen this particular part of the form make the difference on recent bids. If all things are equal, it is the deciding factor. Thanks again for all your help, and I hope this "hint" helps you out. Tony Adams, Transmission Contractor Safety 504-214-0271


JHA Workshop

June 18, 2007

Rick and JM Ashley attended a job hazard analysis workshop hosted by Entergy on June 14, 2007.  The workshop was held at little rock port.  The topic of discussion was job hazard mitigation.  The steps involve, 1. listing the task to be performed.  2.  recognizing the hazards related to that task.  3.  describing ways to mitigate the hazard.

JHA’s can be filled out using a blank sheet of paper using this method.  It is important that all crew members know this process and can do so without a pre-printed form. 

During the afternoon session members broke into workgroups and did roll-play to demonstrate JHA methods.

Ashley Substation Awarded Dumas Reconstruction Project

May 28, 2007

On 2.24.07 the town of Dumas, Arkansas was hit by a major tornado.  The storm destroyed the towns electrical substation.  A mobile transformer was set up to provide temporary power to the town during the clean up.

ASI is proud to take part in the reconstruction of the substation.  Ashley’s role in the rebuilding will be to erect new towers, help set new breakers, and transformers as well as wire and relay the new control building.  ASI’s portion of the rebuilding project is expected to take 10 – 12 weeks.  The substation should be tested and operational sometime during the monthe of August, 2007.

Burning Salt Water to Produce Energy

April 6, 2007

Researchers have discovered that the most abundant material on earth (salt water) can be burned by applying radio frequencies.  The frequencies weaken the chemical bond allowing the hydrogen to escape.  As long as the freq. is applied the salt water will burn.  This process could lead to a simple way of extracting usable energy from the most plentiful substance known.

Click Here to read more on burning salt water as fuel.

ASI Hiring Additional Staff

March 13, 2007

The company has rehired D. Riley, who was released shortly after the Katrina disaster cutbacks, to the position of Assistant to Sr. Relay Tech – Tommy Watts.   Mr. Riley has successfully completed ‘PowerSafe’ training as well as ‘Substation Awareness’ and ASI employee orientation and has been approved as an Authorized Entergy Contractor by ASI CEO Rick Ashley.  Additional staff may be required in the months ahead as Entergy Arkansas continues increases in 2007 production.

Substation & Relay Safety Advisory Board

March 12, 2007

The next contractor safety advisory board meeting has been set for April 3, in Jackson, MS.  ASI safety manager John Ashley will be attending the meeting.  Discussion will be on the new safety scorecard program for safety managment.  Other topics will include powersafe training and incident/accident reviews from 2006. 

NTT Courses

February 20, 2007

The National Technology Transfer offers many courses on safety compliance in the electrical and other industries.  Some of Ashley Substation’s employees have attended NTT courses and have agreed that the information presented was useful and up to date with current technology.  These courses are highly recommended for those individuals working or wanting to work in the electrical industry.  Click Here for more on NTT Safety Courses.

Blanket Contract 2007

February 5, 2007

Ashley Substation, Inc. as been awarded a blanket contract by the utility company Entergy Arkansas, Inc. for the year of 2007.  The blanket contract agreement permits ASI to perform upgrades and maintanance on electrical substations operated by the Entergy Arkansas, Inc. system. The contract is general in scope and will be ammended as needed throughout the course of the year. 

ASI is honored to be chosen by Entergy for this important work and will do the best possible work to see that the high industry standard are met.  ASI understands the vital role it plays in the distribution of electrical power in Arkansas and will continue to provide as much support as needed to meet community needs.


January 11, 2007

ASI (Ashley Substation, Inc.) starting in 2007 will be publishing a company news letter on the internet.  The address is

Ashley Substation, Inc.



We’re looking forward to a productive year, master blanket contract for Enterygy Arkansas grid has be awarded for work through December, 2007

Contact Information

January 1, 2007

Ashley Substation, Inc.

2850 Highway 291 North

Prattsville, AR  72129

(870)699-4376 fax

(870)699-4995 phone
