Archive for September 18th, 2007

Cleaning Up the Minutes

September 18, 2007

The minutes of all ASI monthly safety meetings will soon be posted online.  Also, along with the minutes of the meetings, digitized copies of the attendance sign up pages will be archived.  Please excuse any improper formatting as the hand written notes are transferred to the blog. 

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Ashley Substation, Inc.

September Safety Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2007

Ashley Substation, Inc.  September safety meeting.

    • Introduction, Thanks for working safe. 
    • Last Meetings Minutes    
    • Trailer & Equipment Inspections 
    • Fall safe coming in 08
    • JSA with changes
    • Gate rule & JSA signing  
    • PowerSafe        
    • Schedule Tim for next week     
    • Everyone still have cards?    
    • Does anyone need employee ID replaced           
    •  Fatal Five Cards       
    •  ID, Powersafe, Fatal Five cards all can be asked for by scorecard evaluator      
    •  Any questions about the scorecards      
    • SAB 8.28.08        
    •     New safety manual coming out sometime 2008             
    •         -split, 2 sections (rules/procedures?)                
    •         -should get hardcopies and CD-ROMs           
    •  ATV-UTV switch       
    •      Scorecard evaluations          
    •      Done someone not on crew & entergy                 
    •      Used also to evaluate bids by contractors                   
    •      Anyone have questions about scorecard          
    •   100% fallsafe            
    •             100% compliance moved to 2008 (however, we are still on track for December 08)
    •             Powerpoint presentation made and we’ll see soon
    •             (coming up:  ASI employee meeting, at HQ with presentations)
    •  EPZ grounding     
    •       Entergy powerpoint presentation      
    •       will show presentation & get Q & A 
    • Safety Alert – Entergy internal alert on auger/digger bolts          
    •              ASI action, inspect bolts on all moving equipment 
    • OSHA 10 training           
    • Auditing an online course right now      
    • Some may need to take the classes 
    • AshleySubstation.Com website      
    •  Safety section has training and OSHA 1926.597           
    •  Newsletter, videos, fatal five posted, meeting notes, email Floor open for discussion
    •             (blank sheet of paper JSA example)
Action items set during the meeting include:
T. Camp -powersafe training in september,
new company photo IDs for Rick Camp & Dennis Offutt,
get powerpoint presentations, fall safe & EPZ, from SAB meeting,
inspect bolts on moving parts of equipment,
new ball caps were also requested.